Website EMILYs List
EMILYs List the Nation’s Largest Resource for Women in Politics
The EMILYs List Ignite Change Fellowship is a nine-week virtual initiative to train deeply engaged community leaders and advocates on developing their political skills and confidence in potentially running for office.
EMILYs List’s mission is to support the election of Democratic pro-choice women. The fellowship is designed to develop the next generation of Democratic pro-choice candidates by facilitating the leadership of applicants from historically underserved communities, including, by way of example, women of color, LGBTQ+ women and non-binary people, women from rural communities, and women with disabilities.
Applicants should additionally exhibit the following attributes:
● Experience serving as an organizational leader or advocate in their community
● An eagerness to potentially run for office in the future
● No prior or current history of being a candidate or running for office
The fellowship will cover a variety of topics for potential candidates, including:
● Understanding the nuts and bolts of politics
● Developing your personal story and messaging
● Fundraising best practices
We are now accepting applications for the Fall 2023 Cohort. Interested applicants should apply by May 19 at 11:59 p.m. EDT. You can find the application here.
The first fellowship class will be held on August 12, 2022 at 12 PM EDT on Zoom. The fellowship is at no cost for accepted applicants.
We will be hosting an informational session on May 11, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. EDT for anyone interested in learning more and asking questions before applying. Interested parties can find the registration link here (4/13) and here (5/11).