Communications Consultant (Workshop Design for Effective Media and Communications Training)

Website NobelWomen Nobel Women's Initiative

Nobel Women’s Initiative (NWI) is seeking a contract consultant with media and communications expertise to design a 3-5 day Training Workshop  for Effective Media and Communications. The Effective Media and Communications Workshop supports  NWI’s project in partnership with Just Associates: “Building Women’s Collective Power for Rights and Resources in Mesoamerica.” Building Women’s Collective Power for Rights and Resources in Mesoamerica brings together  Just Associates (JASS), Nobel Women’s Initiative (NWI) and 100 local partners/women’s rights organizations in Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico. This project works directly with frontline women human rights defenders (WHRDs) and grassroot women activists (indigenous, rural, LBTQI+) and their organizations in Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico, reaching young and adult grassroots activists of all genders.

JASS and NWI will co-develop a training workshop that will be provided to selected grassroots women, WHRDs and social justice organizations identified by the partners to strategically increase the capacity of women’s peacebuilding movements to leverage media opportunities and ensure greater success with their advocacy efforts at the local, regional, national, and international levels. Participant-centered, the training workshop will build the capacity of women and their organizations to amplify their solutions to the problems facing WHRDs, peace and grassroots activists in Mesoamerica and to extend the scope of their demands and proposals to the international level.

Reporting to NWI’s Head of Media and Mesoamerica Project Coordinator, the consultant will work to assess the needs and knowledge gaps of partners involved in the project for communicating with global audiences and develop a workshop curriculum for training.

This is a consultancy for a period of 20 days, starting in September 2023 with an aim to complete the workshop curriculum development by early November 2023.  Availability to travel for a planning and development in-person meeting with the partners for 5 days in Mexico City between mid-September and October 2023 is required.  Approved travel costs will covered by NWI.

The Consultant must have consistent and reliable access to a laptop, and WIFI, which will not be provided by NWI.


  • Assess communications and media engagement needs of partner organizations.
  • Working with NWI and Just Associates, develop a 3–5-day participant-centered workshop training program that  meet the identified objectives of partner organizations and training beneficiaries.
  • Ensure a gendered approach is taken in all aspects of planning, workshop design, communications methodologies, workshop content and materials.

Prepare adaptable materials for training delivery.


  • Communications training expert with over 5 years of experience in participant-centered  workshop development and design.
    Experience in the subject matter of communicating to  national and international audiences.
  • Knowledge of the media and communications landscape in Mesoamerica.
  • Experience working with indigenous women, rural communities, and Afro-descendant women preferably from Mesoamerica.
  • Knowledge and experience in alternative media and communication strategies for activists with a gender perspective.
  • Fluent in English and Spanish.
  • Interest in and knowledge of feminist peacebuilding and human rights.


If you want to join us in strengthening feminist efforts to promote nonviolent solutions to war, violence and militarism, we encourage you to submit a short letter of interest along with your resume to: [email protected]  Please use the subject line Workshop Curriculum Design Consultancy when submitting your resume.

This consultancy contract position is offering $500 USD per day.

NWI is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusion. We believe in equality and diversity of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, national origin, and disability. NWI encourages and welcomes applications from members of racialized communities, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, persons of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, and with the skills/knowledge to productively engage with diverse communities. We are committed to a selection process and work environment that is barrier free. If you need any accommodations or adjustments throughout the interview process and beyond, please indicate this in your application.


Around us, the world is in crisis. Human and planetary security is threatened. Increasing conflicts, rising nationalism, the climate crisis, and threats to women’s rights endure. Systems of exclusions and inequalities have resulted in greater divisions between people and nations. Feminist peacemakers and human rights defenders around the world are rising to the challenges of war, mass displacement and migration, climate change, and threats to gains made in women’s rights over the past decades. There is an urgent need to do more, to be united, and to work in new ways to achieve gender equality, stop violent conflicts, and improve the lives of women and their communities across the globe. Given the scale and scope of the challenges, bold, dynamic and collective approaches are required.

Nobel Women’s Initiative (NWI) is up to the challenge! As women Nobel laureates united in courageous actions with women leading peace around the world, leveraging their collective power to amplify non-violent solutions, defend justice, and champion equality for all.

The Initiative is led by Nobel Peace laureates Jody Williams (USA), Shirin Ebadi (Iran), Rigoberta Menchú Tum (Guatemala), Leymah Gbowee (Liberia), Tawakkol Karman (Yemen), Maria Ressa (Philippines) and our Board of Directors and is supported by passionate and skilled staff team.


NWI values its passionate and skilled global team.  At NWI, we put trust in our talented team and are pleased to offer a flexible work environment. We adhere to feminist values. We believe in sharing power, collaborating, self-care and inclusion of all team members. Together we will continue to build a respectful, caring, impactful and productive work environment.