Website ebabogadoslaborales EB Abogados Laborales Asesores de Asesoría Laboral a Empleadores Nacionales e Internacionales
Advise to National and International Employers.
We are a Lawyer’s Firm which prevents and solves conflicts between Employers and Employees. The experience, knowledge and expertise won through out the time is a competitive advantage due to the diverse clients that we advise in 3 different languages: Spanish, English and German. Our presence and supervision starts with selecting the personal to hire, the ideal work contract for each Employee, Labour agreements with the employees and with the Unions. As well as, the correct process to finish the work relationship in compliance with the Law. Also, we have a special department for litigation before the Court. Please, feel free to contact us for any further information.
Sincerely yours,
EB Abogados Laborales