Wisconsin Community Organizer

Website Empower Project

About Empower Project
Empower Project is the national leader in both paid and volunteer relational organizing.

Empower Project organizes to improve people’s lives using the power of relational organizing. Together with our partners, we’ve helped boost voter turnout, especially for BIPOC communities, through our approach of tapping into personal networks of friends and family. We provide the software and expertise to help communities, progressive organizations, and nonprofits leverage their personal relationships to build power and dramatically expand the electorate. Our cutting-edge technology, Empower, stands at the forefront of the industry and is trusted by over 1,500 organizations nationwide.

Program Overview
Our ground-breaking 2025 Paid Relational Organizing program will generate 1,200,000 relational conversations with 400,000 Wisconsin voters about the Spring 2025 state Supreme Court election.

This program will:

Initiate relational conversations with hundreds of thousands of people.
Build a rapid-response network of trusted messengers to fight back against disinformation.
Aim to engage thousands of sporadic and sometimes new voters for the upcoming election.
Job Description
Organizers will onboard, train and manage a large group of paid Community Mobilizers (CMs) for statewide paid relational organizing programs. The programs will ask the CMs to spread the word about the upcoming election to their own friends and family.

Organizers will help paid Community Mobilizers conduct 4-10 calls to action before the Wisconsin Spring Election on April 1st. Organizers report to Regional Organizing Directors (RODs).

Hired applicants will have strong time management skills because they will have to balance their time between onboarding, training and managing a large group of program participants (CMs). They will also be responsible for running large-scale trainings and holding their Community Mobilizers accountable for accurate and timely reporting. Finally, Organizers will also be expected to create a positive and safe work environment, be flexible as the campaign changes, and be creative in achieving the biggest possible scale of outreach.Core Responsibilities


Maximize program referrals from the friends and family of the original participants to increase the number of applicants to the program
Complete phone, text and other types of recruitment necessary to ensure daily trainings meet benchmark attendance

Conduct onboarding trainings for large audiences that address the app functionality, program objectives, and required minimum performance for payment, as well as opportunities for bonuses
Host regular onboarding sessions at intervals that support the needs of program objectives
Support the success of Community Mobilizers in the program through group and one on one trainings

Deliver the appropriate mix of automated, hand-generated and person-to-person communications within your work hours to increase the number of people who complete the program
Hit daily phone bank benchmarks set by program leaders to follow-up with CMs who have attended training in order to ensure they complete all tasks by payment deadlines and are scheduled for future events
Ensure all participant data is entered in a timely fashion, meeting campaign-wide standards
If and when necessary, use incentives and other tools to achieve maximum data entry and program completion within campaign-directed limits
Triage program participants for appropriate times to directly communicate with participants for accountability

Verify that names submitted for compensation have met program requirements to receive base pay and listed bonuses within each week of the program
Ensure that all program requirements are well-communicated by reviewing all published materials and making your manager aware of any errors
Program Assessment

Collect critical feedback on training materials from participants and deliver that feedback to your manager in order to improve materials
Implement campaign-wide feedback mechanisms for participants to communicate their experience to campaign leadership
Collect samples, anecdotes, video, photos and survey data at appropriate intervals to showcase program success for future recruitment and program reporting
Additional consideration will be given to candidates who have existing relationships in one of the ten states or are fluent in a second language, including Spanish.

This is a full-time, remote, salaried position starting February 17th and lasting through April 7, 2025.

The work schedule is six days per week with Saturdays off. Organizers will work Sunday – Thursdays 11:30am – 8:45pm Central. Fridays are a shortened schedule, ending at either 5:45pm Central.

We will also work the full week before the April election.

The salary for this position is $4,750/month plus healthcare benefits and 1 paid personal day.

Empower Project is an equal opportunity employer, and does not discriminate based on age, sex, race, ethnicity, religion or sexual preference. Women, persons of color, and individuals from the LGBTQIA+ community are strongly encouraged to apply.

To apply for this job please visit empowerproject.us.